Friday, April 26, 2013

Help From a Birder

I check NEBIRDS occasionally to see if any birders in the Omaha area have seen anything interesting.  Fontenelle Forest is a popular spot so occasionally a birder will report on the same day that I photographed there.  If I returned with photos of a dozen birds, the birder will report seeing at least 50 different kinds.  I have room to improve.  

Canadian Geese are common in Fontenelle Forest wetlands.  This one was resting next to the stream.

I continued  walking down the trail without any special images in my camera, when Phil Swanson walks up.  Phil is one of the best birders in the state.  Apparently the birds flock to him because he always sees more birds in one visit than I do in a dozen. 

I mentioned that I had seen a White-throated Sparrow.  Phil mentioned that he had already seen at least half a dozen different kinds of sparrows.

Phil's magic worked well today.  While we were talking, a Lesser Yellowlegs decided to pose for us on a mound of grass. 

I think some of Phil's magic rubbed off on me today.  I have never seen a Northern Bob White in Fontenelle Forest.  I enjoyed meeting this one a few hundred yards from the spot that I talked to Phil.

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